General Coaching and Service Terms


To keep these terms as simple as possible, here are the key points. The full legal text can be found on the following pages.

  1. When we agree and confirm arrangements, we have entered into a contract. Prices listed on the website or in personal offers apply. For seminars, workshops, or “presentation days,” the price at the time of registration applies.
  2. I commit to effort, not results, as outcomes depend on various factors. I will do my best to achieve the desired result.
  3. I am not liable for any events resulting from my (online) coaching, courses, or training. Participants are responsible for their actions and behavior.
  4. For personal coaching, the following cancellation periods apply: a. Cancellation up to 5 business days in advance: no cost. b. Cancellation up to 2 business days in advance: 33% of the cost. c. Cancellation within 48 hours: 100% of the cost.
  5. For seminars, workshops, or “presentation days,” the following apply: a. Cancellation 4 weeks in advance: no cost. b. Cancellation up to 1 week in advance: 50% of the cost. c. Cancellation within 1 week: 100% of the cost.
  6. For in-house training, the following apply: a. Cancellation up to 4 weeks in advance: 10% of the quoted price. b. Cancellation up to 2 weeks in advance: 50% of the quoted price. c. Cancellation within 2 weeks: 100% of the quoted price.
  7. Cancellations must be made via email, or via email and SMS for short-notice cancellations.
  8. In case of force majeure, we will work together to find a solution, but these principles apply.
  9. I may cancel a session or training if absolutely necessary, and I will notify you at least 24 hours in advance.
  10. Ownership rights to all documents and materials you receive remain with me or the original rights holder.
  11. Payment deadlines begin with respect to the cancellation periods.
  12. I offer a money-back guarantee. If, within 1 week of a seminar, workshop, or “presentation day,” you are dissatisfied with the service provided, you do not have to pay. This will also terminate our agreement and my service. I expect you to only use this guarantee if you are genuinely dissatisfied.
  13. If you, as a client, fail to meet your (payment) obligations, I can terminate the contract.
  14. If either of us becomes insolvent or is declared bankrupt, the other party may terminate the contract.
  15. I am bound by confidentiality, meaning I will not share anything said during a seminar, workshop, presentation day, or coaching session with others, including the company paying for the service, unless you have given explicit consent.
  16. In case of a conflict, we will first try to resolve it through dialogue, possibly with a mediator. Only as a last resort will we go to court.

1. Definitions:

  • Client: The natural or legal person who engages Richard Dirksen or to provide services.
  • Participant: The natural person receiving services from Richard Dirksen or
  • Services: All activities for which an assignment has been given or that arise from it and are related.
  • Agreement: Any agreement between the client and Richard Dirksen or to provide services.
  • Seminar: Any activity where Richard Dirksen or works with a group on a specific topic.
  • Workshop: A training session where participants can register individually.
  • Presentation Day: A half-day fine-tuning session for participants who have completed the online course for personal (intuitive running) training, advice, and feedback.

2. Applicability:
These conditions apply to all offers and agreements where Richard Dirksen or provides or offers services from May 1, 2024.

3. Formation of Contract:
Offers are non-binding and valid for 14 days unless otherwise indicated. A contract is concluded when the client accepts the offer without reservation or modification.

4. Performance Obligation:
All agreements entail a best-effort obligation for Richard Dirksen or Deadlines are not absolute unless explicitly agreed upon.

5. Cancellation:

  • Personal Coaching:
    a. Cancellation up to 5 working days in advance: no charge.
    b. Up to 2 working days: 33% of the cost.
    c. Within 48 hours: 100% of the cost.
  • Seminars/Workshops/Presentation Days:
    a. Cancellation up to 4 weeks: no charge.
    b. Up to 1 week: 50% of the cost.
    c. Within 1 week: 100% of the cost.
  • In-house Training:
    a. Up to 4 weeks: 10% of the quoted price.
    b. Up to 2 weeks: 50%.
    c. Within 2 weeks: 100%.

6. Money-Back Guarantee:
If the client expresses dissatisfaction within one week after the service, the amount paid will be refunded, and the contract is terminated.

7. Intellectual Property:
All intellectual property rights to materials provided during the execution of the contract remain with Richard Dirksen or

8. Prices and Payment:
Prices are inclusive of taxes and exclusive of travel expenses. Payments must be made before the start of the service, unless otherwise agreed.

9. Liability:
Richard Dirksen or is only liable for serious breaches of duty, limited to the amount covered by professional liability insurance.

10. Termination of Contract:
Richard Dirksen or may terminate the contract immediately if the client fails to meet payment obligations.

11. Confidentiality:
Information shared during sessions remains confidential, even from the company paying for the service, unless explicit consent is given.

12. Applicable Law and Disputes:
All agreements are governed by Dutch law. In the event of a dispute, both parties will attempt to resolve it through mediation before resorting to legal action.